Okay, so we learnt the hard way but it's probably not such a bad thing. My good friend took Jack to the local Footy today and returned him home when she was worried about him being extremely hot, itchy and coughing persistently. Good thing she did as he was having an
anaphylactic reaction. After having the reaction during his Peanut Challenge at the Women's & Children's last week we recognised the cough straight away. Because we only live minutes from the hospital I raced him up there. We gave him Zyrtec and Ventolin via the
Nebuliser which calmed things down, but we were oh so close to needing to use the
Epipen. If we hadn't been so close to the hospital and the on call Doctor hadn't come so quickly it would have been used without a doubt. We finally worked out that the
Chicos in his bag of mixed lollies were the culprit, containing Full Cream Milk Powder (thank goodness for Google!) We were surprised as we really didn't think he would react like that to such a small amount of cow's milk. So on one hand it's a little disappointing and on the other we feel thankful that we now know and that nothing too bad happened inthe process. Colourful mixed lollies from now on only!! The stupid thing is Strawberries & Cream and Milk Bottles contain no milk products, go figure!
I have stressed to my friend that she did a great job and please don't let it put her off of taking Jack. Right from the start I have never wanted to wrap Jack up in cotton wool. I want him to do as many things as possible. Today just makes everyone realise how important his Action Plan and Epipens are and that it's not a big deal to use them if needed. But he did scare me a bit today, the little bugger....I really do love him to bits.