Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy D! THIS IS FUNNY...

Grant's off playing hockey at Berri tonight, but we've managed to squeeze in a Bed Birthday Party this morning before he left for work and Cup Cakes tonight before Hockey. Last night I realised the kids hadn't quite finished their cards for Dad. I left the cards and the pencils in their room, so they could finish them before coming in to our room in the morning. At the last minute, I had the idea of leaving them Party hats, whistle and streamers so we could have a Bed birthday Party.
I was up with Gem around midnight and while I was laying in Gem's bed putting her back to sleep, Jack woke up to go to the toilet. I told him about the party supplies near the cards. About 3.30am, yes 3.30 AM, I heard some very excited voices. I jumped out of bed realising that if I didn't act quickly, we would whistles being blowing in our ears and streamers flying around our bedroom within minutes! Sure enough, I opened their door to find them half undressed, party hats on and cards finished and ready to go in envelopes!
I was a bit unsure how I was going to go getting them back to sleep once I broke the bad news they had another 4 hours of sleeping left to go, but amazingly enough they did and this is what we were greeted with a few hours later...they didn't bother getting dressed this time, in case they were sent back to bed again!

Present time is always exciting. Jack in particular, has been thinking about his tummy again and the liquorice we give Dad each year, they look like hungry PATIENT baby birds waiting to be fed!
When Grant was in bed I hung up a big banner in the kitchen.
And these photos make my heart happy...

Can't wait for the weekend, when we can chill out at Freeling with Grant's brother's family. Hopefully Gem is feeling better in the morning. Jack has had croup during the week. She was a bit average this afternoon and I have a feeling she may have mild croup....winter sux! Jxx

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